Friday, July 3, 2009

God is Faithful!

So I've been keeping a little secret...I'M PREGNANT! The other part to this secret is that we've been "trying" for 7 months. Oh and how long these 7 months have been! With JPW it took a year so I knew it wouldn't come easy again. I didn't tell but a close friend about us trying only because it's so stressful and I didn't want to be asked about it. Last month I was at my breaking point(not really but close) but I was just frustrated. I finally decided to let it go. I did tell myself if it didn't work out this month I was going in to see Dr. P to pray with me. Last time we were trying I went in his office and he reminded me it was in God's timing and then he prayed with me. I could do a whole post on my dr and how amazing he is but I'll save that for another day. So I did the ovulation kits and counted my days etc. This month G went to California for a week which happened to be my ovulation week. I just told myself it wouldn't be this month either. I have prayed, prayed and prayed more. Well God is faithful and blessed us with another baby! Waiting is so, so hard!When we were going through all of this "trying" I just knew the Lord just wanted us to have JPW. I guess I was wrong! I just can't imagine the stress on people who try for years. If you are one of those people "trying" I would love to pray for you. I really want to be there for people struggling with this.

So I took a test on Saturday. I was only a few days late which isn't unusual for my wacky cycle. I couldn't believe what I saw "PREGNANT". I thought No Way! I called my friend b/c I had to tell someone. I know you're thinking how could you tell a friend before G? Well G was playing golf so I had to come up with a plan to announce it to him and I didn't want to do it over the phone. My sister and I were running errands and I knew I had to get to Storkland somehow. I told her "I need to stop by Storkland to get something for a FP baby" she was like "Kim we were just at Target" She wouldn't let it go so I had to tell her that I needed to go in and buy a Big Brother t-shirt. Really wasn't the way I wanted to tell her. Oh well!

So we got JPW a Big Brother shirt and I got a cookie cake to announce it to G. He came in from golf and JPW was sitting next to the cake in his shirt. G was so excited! I really don't think he was expecting it. JPW also said "I'm a big bruder" It was so precious! So here's the pictures from the big announcement below. Please pray for us. It's completely different going through this-this time after all we went through with JPW. We know that whatever happens is God's will and we want nothing more than to bring Him glory. Baby #2 will arrive around February 28th!

"For the Lord is a faithful God" Isaiah 30:18

Waiting on Daddy-He wanted to touch it so bad!

Proud Daddy and Big Brother

The soon-to-be family of four!

The Best Big Brother ever!


Jessica said...

I'm so excited for you, Glenn, and JPW! I love the pictures and I can't wait to follow you through your pregnancy!!!:)

Anonymous said...

Im so excited for you! I loved reading this post. I will keep you all in my thoughts & prayers...can't wait to hear updates, the gender, etc. JPW is going to be a GREAT big brother!! :)

The Reeds said...

YAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats Congrats Congrats!!
Love you!!

~k said...

WHOOHOO! SO FUNNY after our conversation last week!!!!

DeLine Family said...

Congrats! I found your blog through April Reed and have enjoyed following you and the wonderful things you do with Footprints Ministry! I am very familiar with struggling to conceive. I have a little man that is 2 1/2 & am now 11 weeks pregnant. Both pregnancies happened when "they weren't supposed to" but prayer & patience is sometimes the key! I'm so excited for you & will keep you, baby #2 and your family in my prayers!

The Kyser's said...

Congrats!!! God is so fathful!! I hope you are feeling wonderful and please keep us posted!!! God Bless!

Bowman said...

i love you. this is so exciting! will you name her beth?

Laura Mielke said...

Congrats Kim! That is so wonderful! You all will definitely be in my prayers!

Wanza Leftwich, The Gospel Writer said...

Congrats! Congrats!! Congrats!!! I love the way you told him! I'm waiting on my 2nd as well. Yippeee!