Sunday, April 25, 2010

Jake's 2 Month Check Up

Jake had a great 2 month check up. He weighed 12lbs 13oz and was 23 inches long! Bless his little heart as soon as we hit the door at the pediatrician's office he started screaming. It's like they all know when little Jake has arrived at their office. ha! The pediatrician told me she was in the room across the hall and a lady said "awe that breaks my heart to hear that baby cry. I wish there was something I could do" Dr. G told her "Oh it's ok it's just Jake!" ha! Jake you're known as the screamer at the doctor's office. I really don't know why he was so fussy this day! When we finally got him calmed down and sleeping it was time for shots :( Little man did so good! Here are a few pictures from our 2 month check-up.


The Reeds said...

He's still a cutie, even when he is crying. I'm glad it's less often now, though:) Love and miss you!!

~k said...

Oh gosh- please tell me he stopped once you left!
I miss ya'll too, come see us soon!