Yeah if they were only that cute! This is warehouse mouse from JPW's fav show Imagination Movers.
So we have a visitor or two in our pantry! Ahhh! I hate mice!Last week our loaf of bread had a hole through it. Someone got a nice lunch in our pantry. I went to the store and bought another loaf and guess what he found it again! Bro-in-law and sister were here over the weekend. We were up late and I heard someone moving in the pantry. I jumped up off the couch and stood by the back door so I could make a run for it. He got away. Then about 1am (bro-in-law is a late nighter) bro-in-law ran in our bedroom and said "G I've got it locked in the laundry room." So G hopped up and the search was on in laundry room. They caught him in the vacuum cleaner hose and G ran him down the road to dispose of him.
Whew glad he's was gone! But wait someone got in the grits Monday morning! Ahhhh! Pest control is called! Someone has got to get this thing or things out of here. Appt is scheduled for today during our blizzard. I prayed Dear Lord please let them come. And "Ding Dong" at 9:30 I hear the angels singing-it's the sweet pest control man who drove in the snow to get here. He said the office just called him to go home but he was already here. Thank you Lord!
So the scoop according to pest control man is mice are a problem in our new neighborhood because of construction. But this is the worse mice season they've seen up here everywhere. Oh wonderful! And it's not just winter, it's year round! Thank goodness we've set up a quarterly service with them.
We now have every trap, sticky board, and feed possible in our house to get rid of these pesky critters. Just pray I don't see one. I think it may cause me to have a heart attack or go into labor! I now have a ritual of slamming cabinets in the kitchen when I wake up! Ha! One thing the pest guy said is "you may hear them screaming when they get caught in the middle of the night!" What! Oh great! So between me slamming cabinets and beating on doors and mice screaming our house definitely won't be quiet around here until they're gone!
So thank you Huntsville for introducing me to the world of mice! One more thing that really isn't a big deal just the Lord's humor keeping me on my toes (literally)!
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